Thursday, January 8, 2015

Can't Steal My Joy Today

My normal stance just add two teens and a small dog.


      I woke up a little later then I had been waking up. I was super tired from our first day back at our homeschool co-op group. Great day. So as I laid there at 6:20am, I thought well, I should get up and walk. I'll talk to God then. I'll have to read my Bible later.
     So, up and dressed I was, with the dog with her sweater on, and out the door in about 10 minutes. The sun was barely coming up. I had a very determined mind set.
     "OK God. Here I am, what can you tell me? Huh? Well? I'm not hearing you. OK then, I'll tell you all I'm thinking. The kids, the dog, Greg, the house, ...oh I wonder how I'll get that done and this needs to be,.... oh sorry God. OK Where were we? OH Yea, you were going to share some wisdom. No? OK then I'll clear me mind and just wait.... That house is really dark over there. Hey! Someone left dog... ewwww. Stop. OK. Clear mind. Breath. Did I brush my teeth? OH yea..... "
     Then I got to the park. I sat on a bench and watched the water and the sun starting to glint on the waves. I can see the birds circling a school of fish.
     That's when it happened. Peace. Quiet. Stillness. I felt them. I heard them. I could just, ... be them. AAAAHHHHH. This is amazing. Thank you so much Lord. This is the wisdom I needed. Peace. Thank you.
     After several minutes of basking in this new feeling. I decided I better get back home to get the kids started on school work. As I walked I started going over all of the things that bring me joy and happiness. The list was pretty long. I was feeling a warm happy feeling.

So peaceful. So content.

     Then I suddenly just felt hot!  I had a t-shirt, a workout light weight jacket on and a thick sweatshirt so I thought, I'll just take off the sweatshirt. The dog was acting squirrely so, I stepped on her leash and tucked my phone carefully into my waist band of my pants. As I pulled my sweatshirt over my head... BAM!  My phone fell face down on the concrete.  No problem, I barely flinched. I was still in my state of serenity. Besides, I have the 5C. I drop it all the time. The booger is slippery.
     Then I picked it up. "OH NO !! Shoot! ##$%&%&*((!!!! I can't believe it broke that badly! NOOOO!" Seriously. That quick. I went from serene to frustrated and upset.
     Suddenly, I thought, "What am I doing? This is just a phone. I know someone to call and get it fixed, probably today and at my house. I was just so peaceful. I am NOT going to let this make me loose this feeling."
     "You hear me Devil? I'm not letting you take this feeling away."
     Then my texting sound starts beeping like crazy. I looked at it and realized it was my two friends that are in charge of the co-op. They are talking about all the co-op stuff that I dealt with for the last few days that made me so tired the night before. I began to answer them and thought, no. It's him again. That devil is sneaky. Not going to answer until I am home and ready to work on that.
     I got in the door. AAAhhhh so quiet.
     I actually got to start my day, with HIM first. With my Lord. And you know what? I am so glad I didn't let those little things suck me in and ruin my day.
     So, Thank you God for hearing me and helping me hear you today. I am so very blessed. And I know it.
     P.S. Most of the time, I'm not so serene and able to reel all of that back in. This was a rare good day.

This is how I felt the rest of the day.