Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Blog Name, Same Family.

     I wanted to change my blog's name but, I couldn't figure out how to change it. Since I don't drink Sweet Tea anymore, I supposed it was time for a change. I gave up sweet tea because I don't drink the caffeine anymore. I used to be able to handle just the bit that was in the tea but, not anymore. Makes me jittery and the sugar is just not good for me. So, I'm an only water girl now.  So, time for a new name. I'll link the old blog here so you can (I can) go back and read the old stuff but, time for new things.
     It has been awhile since I have been on my blog so, let me see what is new? My oldest is 17 and driving. YIKES! He is a Junior in high school and a Sophomore in college. Pretty awesome. He works at the church in the tech department (volunteer) as a director. He is in charge the cameras and all that goes with it. He is an awesome kid.
     My 2nd son is into surfing and skateboarding. He is teaching himself to play guitar. He had gotten some Birthday money and spent it on an inexpensive electric guitar. He is having a ball. His fingers have to be raw. He is a Freshman this year. He really likes being a high schooler.
     My 3rd son is in second grade. He loves co-op. He is so excited to go see his friends each week. He also, loves to play with his sister but, really enjoys playing alone too. He is riding his bike and running with the dog all over the yard.
     And my 4th and only daughter is in Kindergarten/1st grade. She is the princess of the group. She likes to play with her brothers. Very girlie but, the first to climb high in the tree and enjoys when I get a bit freaked out by it. She loves her dolls, her dog and her bike. She adores her daddy and wants to live next door to me forever. Hope her husband is ok with that.
     My darling husband is the most amazing dad ever and great friend to me. None of us can wait for him to get home at the end of the day. Even the dog gets excited when Daddy is home.

     Being as it is winter, it is colder then I like. I miss the beach and the rejuvenating feel of the ocean. I don't miss the Sea Urchins. (Story for another day).

     So, I'm back. I am a bit older, learned a bit more and have had a few more life experiences then before. I will come here from time to time to record some tidbits of our lives and why it is special to us. Hope you'll come and sit a spell with me and we can share a cup of hot tea or coffee if you prefer.

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