Sunday, November 15, 2015

Charm Bracelets and Milestones

Very eclectic charm bracelet representing all of the places a soldier from WWII
brought home from his tour of duty.

          Did you know that Charm Bracelets have a long history. Many believe the first ones were more talismans to ward off evil spirits.  Many charms were made of bone or shells depending on what part of the world they were from.  In Egypt 1,000's of years ago, charms were used to not only show luck and faith. They were also thought to help the gods identify who they were in the afterlife.
      Jewish people used charms to carry scripture close to them.  Christians wore tiny fish to identify themselves to each other. Roman and medieval soldiers wore charms for protection when they go into battle.  Charm bracelets have been the subject of several waves of trends. The first charm bracelets were worn by Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Hittites and began appearing from 600 – 400 BC.

     Queen Victoria in the 1800's started a fashion trend by wearing and giving charm bracelets as gifts. When her beloved Prince Albert died, she made the "mourning" charm popular. A mourning charm is a locket with the hair of the deceased maybe a picture of them and often carved in black.

     Charm bracelets continued as Tiffany and Co. introduced their signature bracelet in the late 1800's. Soldiers coming home after WWII would bring home charms made from all the many different places they had fought in to give to loved ones. 

     The charm bracelets most of us remember during the 50's and 60's, that were made popular by the American teenagers (our grand parents). They would collect charms to record  events in their. Elizabeth Taylor and Joan Crawford along with other famous celebrities encouraged this fashion. Many of them wearing charm bracelets on the red carpet. 

     Charm bracelets began to loose their popularity until around 2000. And now the types of charm bracelets are numerous. There are build a bead type, european flat bracelets, Pandora type and still the ever loved dangle charm bracelet. 

     Charm bracelets have been used for many things. To collect where someone has visited, just fashion as in all blue charms or all charms of similar type. Some charm bracelets have one charm; a single heart, maybe or a locket. Some may represent something special in that persons life; music, drama, books, fairy tales, hearts, states or places one has traveled, or just a jumble of different items that represents that persons life to them. 
     I've now seen charm bracelets that are for a persons wedding, new baby, their pet, etc. A whole bracelet dedicated to one milestone or event. 

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Milestone bracelet. Many different things
that represent the owner.
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Music, drama, worship.
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All hearts. Probably from different places.
Looks like things and places that this person has been or done. 

     I love the Milestones and things that represent you type of charm bracelet.  I have had a love of these fun dangly type of bracelets ever since I first saw one.

H-represents my name, Just Breathe-double meaning, I forget to breathe and have anxiety,
also, I use essential oils and I need to inhale sometimes. Pray- Important to me to pray often.
Blue stone- My birth stone, aquamarine. Family- so important to me.
Cross- Jesus needs to come first. Flip Flop- well, if you know me that is easy.
And the diffuser locket- a way to diffuse my chosen essential oil of the day.
This is my bracelet that I made that represents me. Have more I could add.

     I have decided that I will start a charm bracelet for my daughter. I will make a milestone and representation type. She is excited. This is something she can build on to for years to come. Or maybe it will be the first of many more to come.

     So, all of that to say, I am excited to start making charm bracelets. I may even start selling them. I want a way for others to be able to use their essential oils (so helpful for stress, anxiety, focus and uplifting joy). So this little bracelet may be a gateway into my already growing passions.

     So, do you have a charm bracelet? Did I peak your interest into having one? What a great item to hand down to your daughter, or granddaughter. I can't wait to make more for my friends and family. Maybe they would just be a starter if they choose to add more to it later.

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