Thursday, January 28, 2016

Should I Turn To Page 13 or 59??

Image result for image of a choose your own adventure book

     Have you ever had that feeling that the world was one big Choose Your Own Adventure book?
You know the books. Super popular in the 80's. My brother loved them. You read the beginning of the book and then you get to a place to make a choice which way the character in the book should go. Then you would go to that page and read through what would happen with the choices you made in the book. Quite brilliant if you think about it. You are reading one book over and over several times. I would think that it would be a good object lesson in consequences of your actions. But, maybe I am giving them too much credit.

     Well, I feel like my life is one big Choose Your Own Adventure book. I know I have several choices and I often sit wondering if there is a way to cheat and look ahead to see if I am making the best choice.

     I was thinking back to some of the big choices and where they took me and then some of the smaller, seemingly insignificant choices that actually turned into huge changes. I should have read more of these silly books, I guess. Maybe I'd have a better idea of how to make the best decision. I wonder if there were tell tale signs of the right way to go or the choice that led to the death or devastation of the character. Verses landing the character, seemingly you, into untold wealth and fame.

     What are some of those choices you are wondering? Well, I remember accepting a date with my now husband. I thought, oh he's nice. We'll have a nice mellow day out and that will be that. He's too old for me to actually, fall for him. Hahah. Little did I know. There were many others and like I said, right now I am at one of those places in my life. Only this is the advanced version where I have maybe 5 choices. Should I pick one or can I pick all 5 at once. I said it was the advanced version.

     I have a secret weapon that you didn't have in the books. I have God. I have the cheat codes. It's called the Bible. I still don't know which one to choose yet, but I know if I follow what His word says, I will be able to make the right choice.

Image result for God's got plans for you

     I love that we live in a place with choices. I love that I have  husband (no matter how old he is, Love you Honey) that adores and encourages me. I seriously have my own cheering section everyday of my life. I am blessed. And Bonus, I have friends that love me too. Even when I make stupid choices. So go to page 59 and see what the outcome is of going in that direction. I'm going to sit here and ponder the many possibilities I have in front of me today.

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