Saturday, December 5, 2015

Dancing.. Oops. Good Morning.

     We've all heard the phrase, dance like no one is watching. There has been many videos of people secretly filming others doing just that. We all laugh and giggle. Maybe even feel a little sorry for the person caught dancing. 
     I wonder if we laugh and giggle nervously partly because we hope it never happens to us. No one wants to get caught in that moment of absolute bliss and far away thoughts. Why does that bother us? Vulnerability I suppose. No one wants to look stupid, right? 
     Well, it happened to me this morning. Thankfully, there were no cameras or phones filming me. That would have been too much. I was hiking up behind my house. I'd taken a bike trail that was pretty secluded at parts and it was early. I'm talking, the sun is barely peeking over the hills. I usually don't listen to music when I walk. It's usually my quiet time but, today I grabbed my headphones at the last minute, found a station on Amazon Prime (pulled up someone my son recommended Ed Sherron???). Well, the music was cranking. The station had all kinds of music with a good beat. I'm embarrassed to say the song Uptown Funk (I've never carried for the song before today. Good beat for dancing ) came on and I started dancing. I mean I was REALLY dancing. Like I would dance when I was 17 and in my bedroom. Twirling and skipping, really letting loose. I did a turn (super cool turn , I might add) and there was a glimpse of someone. I saw his whole face so I know he could see me. OH MY GOSH!! I couldn't believe I'd been caught. Remember I'm on a trail that is very narrow around the side of a steep hill. I had no where to go but forward. So I started to hurry a little, jogging might have happened. I wanted distance between us. Maybe I could loose him. Haha. No way. Only forward and backwards on this trail. He's not turning around so I was going to have to face him. 
     I came to an opening. A place where the trail splits into 4 choices of directions. I stopped and busied myself with taking off my jacket (I'd worked up a sweat dancing so hard). He passed me up with his dog and commented on the beautiful day for a walk. I almost said, "and a dance". But, I controlled myself. I just laughed nervously. 
     He passed me up and I took the lower hill that ran parallel to the harder trail he took. Whew, the humiliation was over. 
     I really have a problem. I couldn't control myself. I figured I got away with it, so I started boogieing again. But I was way more cautious. Well, I thought I was until a shadow was behind me. I give up. I just stopped. This new guy jogged by giggling. That kind of curbed my dancing at least any big dancing moves.  
     The last of the humiliation came as I turned down a trail to go home, and the first guy with his dog came back towards me. WHAT?!?!  No way. Not twice. He said hello again and I said, "Hi. At least I'm not dancing this time."  
     He laughed. 
     Well, as embarrassing as it all was (and I see this man on the trail often. I will see him again. Ugh. ), I feel good today. I'm happy. I woke up feeling an energy and a joy that's I haven't woke up with in ages. And before the sun. I was ready to go walk. I was ready to boogie. 
     So, maybe I lifted that mans spirit a little. Maybe he got a good laugh. I guess I don't really care (I do a little). I still think it's great to dance like no one is watching. Next time maybe I'll be a bit more careful to look around first. Hahaha. 
     So, there is your embarrassing moment for today. Brought to you by me. 
     Have a good day and dance today. Dance hard. 

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