Friday, August 14, 2015

Hiking Or Empty Head Syndrome


Patriot's Trail. There is a lovely American Flag at the end.

      So, I am not an exercise person. I know it's healthy. I know it is good for me. I know it will help me feel better and live longer. But, I just don't like it. I have done years of exercise. I used countless videos. I belonged to a gym and even taught aerobics in high school, but I hated it. Every minute of it. I smiled. I high fived. Climbed higher on that stair master. I even told everyone how good it was for us all. 
      As I have gotten older, I have tried many different kinds of exercise. I always come back to walking. I love to walk. I know it isn't overly strenuous but it is exercise. I've never really lost any weight doing it. But, I do feel good and get some fresh air. 
     We have recently moved to the bottom of a canyon.  There are all of these paths going all over these hills. So many trails. I never thought I liked hiking. I hate the heat and often feel like I am melting when I get over heated (another reason I hate to exercise). since the middle of the day usually on an RV trip somewhere was when I had ever hiked, I assumed hiking equalled heat. I decided one day I was going to go for a walk up in the hills. It was nice. I went early. It was cool. There were birds and rabbits, not many people. It was perfect. Except it was hard to get up the hill. I figured I'd keep trying. And I did.
     Now I've been hiking for about 8 weeks. I am getting much more adventurous. I try some of the bike trails and have been doing an average of 2-3 miles each morning. I have to be back for my kids in the morning. I can only really spare a hour to an hour and a half. So far I have had many ups and downs as you can imagine. I have fallen down one of those bike trails. I hurt my ankle pretty badly. I only missed a couple of days and kept at it. I am a little nervous of steep hills going down now. I really need some shoes with more tread too.

Image result for picture of coyotes


      I have also run into some wild life. I have seen coyotes a couple of times. That has prompted me to not take my little 8lb. Shitz-poo puppy anymore. She likes it but, she would be a delicious snack. 
     I am faced with why I am continuing if I, again, am not losing any weight. Well, I am really noticing that I am able to clean out my mind. As a mom of 4 kids, homeschool, have my own independent distributorship that I am doing as a business, helping my husband update his construction business (bring it into the current decade), keep the house up, feed my family, and so much more that we moms do every day, I wake up with my mind buzzing. I know so many of you do too. I start making lists and categorizing everything I need to do. Make menus and take stock, in my head, what I have for making dinner that night. I start with all of the "what I need to do's". I start telling myself, that I don't have time to walk. That I really can't take the time to do it. I guilt myself into remembering all that I should do to help everyone else. I have never been a believer that I have to put myself first. I just am not. I have watched many kids and marriages suffer from the belief that everyone has to make themselves happy first. I do believe, however, that there is a happy medium. We can't alway be self sacrificing or we will start to feel like martyrs. 
     So, I get up quietly get my clothes on. Put on my workout pack (glorified fanny pack). It carries my water, phone and an air horn for the coyotes. I put on my shoes. Apply Lime and Peppermint Essential Oils onto my chest (opens the airways). Clip my pedometer (I've been using a Fit Bit Zip on and grab a protein drink (I love Orgain Organic High Protein drink. ) I get my walking stick that my husband made and off I go.  
      When I first start out my brain keeps swirling and twirling with the amazing amount of things I need to do and remember. I let it do this for about the first ⅓ of the walk.  I will continue with the mounds of imaginary paper work in my head. Filing this, adding that, checking this. 

Image result for picture of heads above the clouds
Head above the clouds feeling.

     That's when it happens.   
     It always surprises me. 
     My mind kind of, exhales. I feel a clearing of the fog. A fresh feeling. I will usually start praying about now. Praying about all I had just gone through and about each of my family. Sometimes I spend the whole rest of the walk talking to God about all I need and  am grateful for and what I would love to be blessed with. And sometimes, you won't believe it, sometimes, my mind empties. It is the most clear and light feeling ever. Like the clouds parting on a particularly cloudy gray day. I am usually at the top and can see this view that seems to go from one end of the world to the other. I can see all the way around me. An entire 180 degree view and it is phenomenal. Breath taking. 
     Suddenly, nothing else matters. Time isn't important. Lists aren't important, bills, schedules, laundry, cleaning, social media, appointments, family disagreements, nothing. Nothing is important because I can see all of it from a view that is so high up that those things become ant problems. So tiny. Now I know they don't go away. But, to get above them, out of the clouds gives a whole new perspective. I mean, my head is literally above the clouds and gloom and worry. I can see what the big picture is. 
     I have asked my family at times to go with me. Both of my teenage boys have gone at times and my husband. But, usually I'm alone. Not so great in case of coyote but, really good for clearing the head.  I have asked my husband to start coming with me. I am hoping that we both can have this feeling before we start our day. Maybe take our Bible with and read when we get to the top for a bit before we finish the walk. ( It is a strenuous walk and I  have to stop and catch my breath often anyway).
     I come down off the hill feeling like I am ready for the day. Sometimes, I get started while I'm catching my breath on the swing out front. I'll start answering e-mails and texts and almost forget that I need to go in and shower, dress and get moving.

      So, as far as exercise goes, I still don't see myself as much of an exercise person, and I'm not the queen of the hike. I just know that I am truly loving my time with God and His creation. I also know that by taking that time in the morning I am able to get my mind clear and start from square one. Not in the middle of 12 things at once. 
      If you are like me and find yourself feeling mottled and frustrated, I say, Go take a hike. It just might help you find a new perspective.

I cannot wear that many clothes. Whew! Making me hot looking at them.

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